Don't forget, Cookbook Book Club is tonight at the Unalaska Public Library 📚🍽️, 5:30 PM! This is a free drop-in program 🆓. Join us for a snack 🍪🥤 and book discussion 📖🗣️.

The Aquatic Center will be providing a Swimsuit Clinic for those who are interested in participating in the upcoming Youth Swim League - New team suits!! Stop by PCR on October 21st, during the basketball games, to try on your perfect fit!

POP UP Art Workshop! Drop in style Saturday October 7th for grades K-12 (toddlers with a parent); come by anytime between 1 and 3pm at the Multi-Purpose Room. Join visiting stained glass artist Marissa Baker for more faux stained glass art projects. The fee is $5 and registration is open.

Mutant Toys: Join us for a Mutant Toy Workshop at the Unalaska Public Library on Wednesday, October 25, 5:30 – 6:30. We will have toy parts that you can put together to make your own cute, weird, or creepy creation! We’ll display our mutants at the library through October 31, then you can take them home. This is a free program for ages 8+. Sign-up is required. Please call the library to register: (907) 581-5060.

Cookbook Book Club: Calling all cooks and bakers! The library is starting a cookbook book club. Check out a copy of this month's cookbook, PRUNE by Gabrielle Hamilton, try a few recipes, and then get together at the library on Thursday, October 12, 5:30 – 6:30 to share some food and talk about how they turned out. Local home chef Carlos Tayag will make something delicious from October's book for the meeting. Copies of PRUNE are available to check out from the library now.

PCR's Radio Play is back again!
Auditions for "Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus" will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 21 & 22 from 3 to 5 PM in the Community Center Multi-Purpose Room.
Ages: Kindergarten - Adult (Limited parts available)
There is no fee to audition and rehearsals will begin in November. Rehearsal days and times are to be determined after auditions based on cast availability.

Pick your FOREVER pumpkin from our Floating Pumpkin Patch! Friday, October 20th. Each age group will have 30 minutes to swim in search of their perfect Halloween Pumpkin. Following the ‘picking’, children will head up to the Mezzanine where glitter, paint, and stickers of all colors will be available to decorate pumpkins.

Unalaska Photography Club meeting Tuesday, October 3rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at the Unalaska Public Library. The discussion will center around telephoto vs. wide-angle lenses and their use in landscape photography. There is no fee to attend and while not required participants are encouraged to bring their cameras.

We have some great student art classes lined up for the month of October!
Schools Out Art Workshop: October 6th, 3-5 PM for Grades K-12 / Fee $10.00
Art Afterschool: October 20, 3-5 PM for Grades 5-12 / Fee $10.00
Both classes will focus on creating stained glass-like pieces of art.
These classes are open for enrollment!

Free children's winter coats avaliable at the community center until Wednesday, October 3rd. Limited sizes and styles avaliable so stop by and see if you can find the perfect jacket for your child.
Opportunity provided in partnership with the Unalaska United Methodist Church.

Little Dribblers Basketball Registration is open!
October 23-27 from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. each day
This program is for those 3 to 5 years old (Preschool) and registration is $25.00
Important: Parents must participate in the program with a child who is 3.

The library will host a mutant toy workshop for ages 8+ on October 25. In order to host this program, we are asking for your old plastic and rubber toys to turn into MUTANTS! Don’t throw them away; let us transform them into something creepy and weird. If you have old toys to donate, please drop them off at the library by Friday, October 20. And stay tuned for more information about the workshop, coming soon!

Go 4 Life Senior Exercise Class is canceled for this evening (9/26) due to instructor availability.

PCR 360 planted seeds for their Fork Farms hydroponic garden yesterday! We are excited to be learning about hydroponic growing and look forward to fresh produce for 360 snacks! You can learn more about Fork Farms here: https://www.forkfarms.com/

Afterschool Archery starting this coming Monday, September 25th from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Community Center Gymnasium. Grades 4-12. There is no fee for this program but preregistration is required. The program will run every Monday until December 11. The program may be canceled due to other PCR programming.

We have 2 spots remaining in this evening's Clay Creations: Pumpkin Palooza class. Class is today, Wednesday, and next Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 each evening. Participants will learn to create some great fall /Halloween decorations using several clay hand-building techniques. Fee: $15.00 Ages: 13 years +

LAST CHANCE!!! Youth Basketball registration closes TODAY, September 17 @ 7:00 p.m.! To register your K-8th Grader call or stop by the community center ASAP!!!

POP UP Arts Alive!
Today, Saturday September 16th: Potato Prints
Who: all ages (children under 12 must have an adult present)
Fee: $5
Where: PCR Art Room
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Call 907.581.1297 to reserve your space (min 6/max12)

LAST CHANCE!!! Youth Basketball registration closes this Sunday, September 17 @ 7:00 p.m.!
To register your K-8th Grader call or stop by the community center ASAP!!!

Do you enjoy singing? Then we need you!!! Join the Unalaska Community Choir and choir director Lynda Lybeck-Robinson and prepare to share your voice with the community! The choir meets on Sundays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. starting this Sunday, September 17th! More information can be found here: https://www.unalaskapcr.com/article/1236937